Can you believe we're almost halfway through March? Yikes.
So, my husband went back to work this week, which is the worst after we had such a great break together. It's always hard to get back into the swing of things and I intended to take it easy. Of course, for me, that means tackling smaller projects.
The other night, while sorting and deleting things off my phone, I found a short story I started last year but didn't finish. It's the prequel short story for one of my completed novels. Okay, it's technically a prequel/sequel because it fits in between the two timelines in the novel, but the main thing is that I finished writing it last weekend and even revised it the next day.
When my husband went back to work, I completed the final read-thru, and made all the changes. It's a story that flows very well and complements the book.
The final word count is: 3,255.
Actually, after I finished this tale, I went back to the completed novel and changed/tweaked a few details that came about because of this short story. Nothing big, but enough that I'm even happier with the novel now.
BTW, this is the third short story I've completed this year, and I just started tweaking another one. ☺️
Asides from that, I read two books this week. One that I really enjoyed because it was so quirky, Hard Copy by Fien Veldman, and one that was okay but too bleak in the worst way possible, Hurricane Season by Fernanda Melchor.
The other thing I've been doing is sorting through a bunch of my collectibles and books. We want to cut down our Funko Pops collection, so that means going through the shelves and getting rid of anything that we're no longer excited about having. There's no space for meh. I'm surprised, but glad, that we've already put quite a few aside (30+ so far).
I love sorting through stuff and figuring out what to keep, but it's really exhausting. And mentally draining. Still, it's always worth the work/effort. Especially when you have limited bookshelf space. Oh, and another cool thing about all the moving around I did last night is that my author copies are all in one place and on display. Cool. 😁
That's it for now. It's been a long week and I'm looking forward to spending the weekend with my husband.
Have a great day!